
West Wilts

All the news

  • u3a friends

    The UK u3a family is currently more than 400K members and a current project is underway to help increase this to 500K plus. Across the country fantastic things are happening and to supplement ‘u3a matters’ a monthly newsletter was recently introduced to ensure members and friends were completely up to speed with news from across…

  • Trip to Banbury and Sulgrave Manor

    The July trip was to Banbury and Sulgrave Manor. The driver took us the scenic route which put the timings out of slightly! The main attraction about Banbury is the Banbury Cross and a statue pertaining to be of the Fine Lady in the nursery rhyme – Ride a Cock Horse to Banbury Cross. After…

  • Trip to Topsham

    The May trip started in Topsham and then by boat to Exmouth. This proved to be a popular choice and we had to use 2 coaches for a total of 83 people!. The boat trip from Topsham to Exmouth took just over an hour and in Exmouth people did their own thing – a lunch…

  • Treble / Bass Recorder help needed

    The recorder group has gone from being a collection of beginners a few months ago to a group of five, hardworking enthusiasts who are really keen and making amazing progress. What we would really like is for them to enjoy the pleasure of trios and quartets. So, if there is anyone among our members who…