
West Wilts

All the news

  • u3a friends

    The UK u3a family is currently more than 400K members and a current project is underway to help increase this to 500K plus. Across the country fantastic things are happening and to supplement ‘u3a matters’ a monthly newsletter was recently introduced to ensure members and friends were completely up to speed with news from across…

  • Technical Help Needed!!!

    We need your help, the 'Technical Team' that looks after the sound and video at our Monthly Meetings are in need of new members to spread the load. If you think you can help please get in touch with our Dennis, by using the link as soon as possible. There is a danger that if…

  • Zumba Gold Summer break 2024

    The last meeting will be on Monday 22 July and the group will resume on Monday 2 September.