
West Wilts

About the West Wilts u3a

u3a is a national organisation and it is different from most other adult learning providers – rather than paying people to teach, we encourage members to share their knowledge and talents with other members and get involved in the running of the organisation. It’s this self-help ethos that makes us special.

We ask you to play an active part in any way you can and, in return, we offer fun, friendship and lifelong learning. The U3A provides Stimulation, Education and Recreation for mature people who no longer work full time but nevertheless don’t want to vegetate.

West Wilts U3A was launched in Trowbridge in June 1989 with just a few members and now has about 600 members who participate in over 50 group activities. The groups meet in various locations depending on their numbers sometimes in a member’s home or in community halls.

West Wilts U3A covers the 3 towns of Melksham, Trowbridge and Frome. There are also other U3As in Bath, Bradford-on-Avon, Devizes, North Wilts, Westbury and Warminster. It is permitted to belong to more than one U3A.

There is a monthly meeting every third Wednesday held at 2.00pm in the St James Church Hall, Union Street, Trowbridge, with an invited speaker, to which all members are invited at no charge. Guests are welcome to attend up to two meetings for the modest fee of £2.00 per meeting, after which U3A membership is mandatory in order to attend further monthly meetings or join group activities. These meetings and all group meetings are enjoyable events giving members the opportunity to socialize and talk over a cup of tea. The objective is a good blend of learning and leisure.

The annual Subscription fee is £15.00, this includes the capitation fee payable to the Third Age Trust but for those who are members of another U3A we waive this fee and there is a reduced subscription (noted on the membership form).

Group members may also pay an additional small fee per session depending upon the particular group venue in order to cover the cost of room hire and/or refreshments etc.

Members receive by post a quarterly WestWilts U3A Newsletter in Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Also, the National U3A News magazine “Third Age Matters”, is provided free to our members. This is published five times a year and posted direct to a member’s home address, however, if you are already receiving Third Age Matters as a member of another U3A, we do not provide a second copy.

Membership of West Wilts u3a runs from one Annual General Meeting to the next. These take place on the third Wednesday of March. However, members who join after December 1st do not have to renew the following March.

If you wish to join the WestWilts U3A there are two ways to join:

  • you can download an application form (Membership Form), complete and send it to the address shown on it
  • you can complete an online New Membership application form and pay. The payment goes via PayPal but there is no need to have a PayPal account to use it, scroll down and select pay by card.

You can obtain further details from the West Wilts U3A Membership Secretary

Members receive by post a quarterly West Wilts U3A Magazine in Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter

At this point it has not been decided to make the magazine accessible online, but you can request the magazine by contacting the editor on Magazine