
West Wilts

We need a new Secretary!

Our long serving Secretary Pam has confirmed that after many years of service it is time for her to stand down from that role.

She will of course be greatly missed and our thanks must go out to her for the sterling work that she has done.

But this of course does mean that this vital position will need to be filled at the AGM. Without this officer position filled our WWu3a will cease to be viable. As I have said previously amongst our 650ish members I am sure that there is someone who will have the necessary skills / experience and time to fill this position. If this is you or is someone you know please complete a proposal form, a copy of which you should have received with your magazine, if not please get in touch, or it can be found on our Web Site here.

Please also remember that all the officer and committee roles will be up for election at the AGM and will need to be proposed using that same form.