
West Wilts

Singing for Pleasure

Status:Active, open to new members
When: Fortnightly on Wednesday afternoons
Venue: Scout HQ Southwick

Singing for Pleasure is a pleasure.

We sing songs from our youth, show songs and whatever takes our fancy.
We have recently signed up to Spotify so we can now find any songs we want.
We have also discovered that popular songs are not as easy to sing as the original singers make them sound – quite a learning curve !

I am told singing increases the flow of a hormone in the body that increases the feeling of happiness. Whatever! We all leave on a high after almost 2 hours of singing, so there must be something in it.

We regularly have 15 or more members, but more are always welcome to join our joyful afternoon.

We meet 2nd and 4th Wednesdays each month at 2pm.

To avoid disappointment please do not attend any events, group meetings or monthly meetings as a visitor unless you have, in advance, contacted the event organiser / group leader or Membership Secretary (for monthly meetings), Thank you.