
West Wilts


Status:Active, open to new members
When: Fortnightly on Monday afternoons
Venue: Home Group

The groups are held on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month at 2pm for about 40 mins on Zoom. Members have expressed that relaxing in their own home is preferable to meeting in a hall. You can wear headphones to cut out any noise around you.

During the session I will talk you through every step. It does take practice, so do not worry if you cannot relax straight away. There is no need to lie down, a comfy chair is all that is needed.

You do not have to have Zoom on your computer, I invite you as a guest, it is easy to log in. During the session your microphone will be muted so that you will only hear my voice. You can also switch off your video if you do not want to be seen. I can set up a one to one session so that you know how it works.

The breath is always with you. When you practice relaxation/meditation and breathing you gain a skill you can use whenever you need to quiet and clear the mind. Just following a few breaths — in and out, in and out — can relax the mind and body so you can calmly observe and respond to the world around you, rather than mindlessly reacting to events.

Help to let go on negativity

Everyone has difficult thoughts, feelings, and memories; they are part of life. Trying to banish negativity is a useless pursuit. Rather, the challenge is to recognize negative thoughts and let them pass instead of identifying with them and giving them more power than they deserve. Meditative breathing teaches the mind and body to let go; like the breath, troubling thoughts and feelings come and go, they come and they go. As you learn to quiet the mind by paying attention to your breathing, distractions lose their power to disrupt your focus and disturb your mind.

For Inner Peace

As you focus on your breath your thoughts settle down and your mind becomes calm and clear. What results is a feeling of contentment, happiness, and inner peace. Through meditation and breathing you will be better able to deal with life’s ups and downs without losing your equanimity.

Learn about Your Body

By following the breath as it courses through your body you learn how your body feels. The breath may feel warm or cool in different parts of your body, it may dissolve tensions, it may pass easily or feel blocked, it may relieve pain. Paying attention to the breath in the body as part of your meditation practice teaches you about who you are in your body.

Are you finding it difficult to relax or having trouble sleeping? Do you have problems with blood pressure? Then, Meditation with practice can help with these and other problems such as reducing stress, controlling anxiety, promoting emotional health, lengthening your attention span and can be practiced anywhere, at a time suitable for you.

Everyone has difficult thoughts, feelings, and memories especially in the current situation we are experiencing. Trying to banish negativity is a useless pursuit. Rather, the challenge is to recognize negative thoughts and let them pass, instead of identifying with them and giving them more power than they deserve.

I will help you to control your breathing, which will teach your mind and body to let go of troubling thoughts and feelings. As you learn to quiet the mind by paying attention to your breathing, distractions lose their power to disrupt your focus and disturb you.

As you focus on your breathing your thoughts settle down and your mind becomes calm and clear. With practice what results is a feeling of contentment, happiness, and inner peace. Through relaxing and breathing you will be better able to deal with life’s ups and downs. It doesn’t matter if you fall asleep during the session, it is something your body needs at that time.

To avoid disappointment please do not attend any events, group meetings or monthly meetings as a visitor unless you have, in advance, contacted the event organiser / group leader or Membership Secretary (for monthly meetings), Thank you.