
West Wilts

Painting 2 Holt Group

Status:Active, open to new members
When: Weekly on Thursday mornings
Venue: United Reform Church, Holt
Works by members of the Thursday Painting Group

Works by members of the Thursday Painting Group

Works by members of the Thursday Painting Group

Works by members of the Thursday Painting Group

Works by members of the Thursday Painting Group

Works by members of the Thursday Painting Group

Works by members of the Thursday Painting Group

Works by members of the Thursday Painting Group

Works by members of the Thursday Painting Group

How many people say, “I would love to be able to paint” and on retirement decide then to pursue the dream. Well within the U3A groups is the ever popular Thursday Group who aim to do just that. Sharp at 9.30 am every Thursday everyone meets armed with bags of enthusiasm to put ideas into action and complete with paints, paper, brushes and other equipment to embark on a morning venturing into the world of inspiration and exasperation! There is always someone there to help with encouragement and friendly critique and plenty of laughter.

The group also arranges for professional artists to visit for either demonstration or workshop mornings during the term. This enables the group members to experiment with different ideas and mediums all adding to their skills and abilities and giving them
confidence. With the friendly social atmosphere in the hall the morning soon whizzes by. Perhaps we go home with a new masterpiece, perhaps not!! But it is for sure that we will all be back next week ready to prove “we can paint”.

Recently we have a monthly focus on different styles and techniques, for those who want to try something new. The January focus was printmaking, which proved very popular. We do have room for a couple more budding artists

To avoid disappointment please do not attend any events, group meetings or monthly meetings as a visitor unless you have, in advance, contacted the event organiser / group leader or Membership Secretary (for monthly meetings), Thank you.