Status: | Active, full but can join waiting list |
Leader: | |
Leader: | |
When: | Weekly on Friday afternoons |
Venue: | Hilperton Village Hall |
Line dancing is run by Sue and Beryl with support from other members who know dances. We are not trained teachers. Those who know dances show the rest of us – in the true spirit of the u3a.
We meet Fridays 1.15 – 3.15. We have a few minutes break between each dance, time for a quick drink while we choose the next dance.
Each dance is taught in small stages and is suitable for complete beginners as well as experienced line dancers.
It is fun. bring a bottle of water to keep hydrated, wear comfortable shoes and come and join us.
The charge has recently reduced to £1 – a real bargain !
Don’t worry if you can’t dance the whole session, it is quite acceptable to sit and watch everyone else from time to time.
We usually run through August, so we don’t forget what we have already learnt.
Can’t come every week > Not a problem – come when you can.
To avoid disappointment please do not attend any events, group meetings or monthly meetings as a visitor unless you have, in advance, contacted the event organiser / group leader or Membership Secretary (for monthly meetings), Thank you.