
West Wilts


Status:Active, open to new members
When: Fortnightly on Thursday mornings
Venue: Tollgate Pub, Holt
The Boules Group in 2023

Ball Games have been played for many centuries throughout Europe. There is little doubt that the game played by Drake as he waited for the Spanish Armada was far more like Petanque than the game known today by the English as Bowls. The rules are simple and the game is easy. The Petanque Group meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month at 11.00am. We normally stop for lunch at about 1.00pm and play throughout the year though numbers can get a bit low in the worst weather. Numbers are limited by the size of the playing area.

Whilst we all like to play well the emphasis of the group is social rather than serious.

To avoid disappointment please do not attend any events, group meetings or monthly meetings as a visitor unless you have, in advance, contacted the event organiser / group leader or Membership Secretary (for monthly meetings), Thank you.