Status: | Active, open to new members |
Leader: | |
When: | Monthly on Friday mornings 2nd |
Venue: | Home Group |

Our group meets once a month at the house of one of our members, though we look forward to us being so numerous that we need bigger accommodation!
The routine thus far is for members to take turns giving presentations about subjects that they enjoy. Typically, this has been around the work of a single painter, and we have a projector for looking at images of the works. Of course, there is plenty of opportunity for people to share their opinions.
[Image: a photo of a Peter Brown painting by permission of the owner]
For me, the key point has always been that the group is fundamentally about people coming to express their feelings about art and not primarily their erudition. Certainly we are open to having some input from those with more in-depth understanding but the emphasis is on better appreciating and enjoying the art rather than increasing technical knowledge.
There is no pressure whatsoever to do a presentation, people are welcome to just turn up and take it all in. Should you be tempted to have a go all you would need is enthusiasm for what may be just a single painting and you might want to describe what it does for you or tell the story of how you first encountered it. Whilst we typically use a laptop with a presentation app like PowerPoint, no skill or experience with the equipment is necessary – I am very happy to put the material together if I am simply given the title and the artist (and provided it can be found online).
In addition, we have organised trips to art exhibitions and are open to any and all ideas about activities in which we might share our love of art. What we are not doing, however, is any art production.
To avoid disappointment please do not attend any events, group meetings or monthly meetings as a visitor unless you have, in advance, contacted the event organiser / group leader. For Group Meetings or Events please use the 'Leader/Organiser' link above. For monthly meetings only the Membership Secretary, Thank you.